Anand Ugale

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About Anand Ugale

Member Since March 5, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
Location None
Area of Interest Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning, Data Scientist


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Participated in DataHour: LLM Fine-tuning for Beginners with Unsloth
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models: Foundation, Evolution and Applications
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Serving Machine Learning Models as Microservices
Participated in DataHour: Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Participated in DataHour: Real-World REST APIs with Docker Containers
Participated in DataHour: Building Robust RAG Applications for the Real-World
Participated in DataHour: Evaluating LLMs and LLM Systems : Pragmatic Approach
Participated in DataHour: Rust and Python in the age of LLMOps
Participated in DataHour: Full-Stack Data Science with FastAPI
Participated in Better Data Understanding Through GenAI Powered Search
Participated in JanataHack: Demand Forecasting
Participated in DataHour: Empowering Stakeholders: With Supercharged & Functional Tableau Dashboard
Participated in DataHour: Responsible Use of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Creating Delightful Customer Experience with RAG
Participated in DataHour: The Future of GenAI
Participated in HackLive 3: Guided Hackathon - NLP
Participated in JanataHack: NLP Hackathon
Participated in JanataHack: Time Series Forecasting
Participated in DataHour: Data Curation and Reliability for LLM and GenAI Applications
Participated in DataHour: Should I Use RAG or Fine-Tuning?
Participated in DataHour: How to Customize and Evaluate Your LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Natural Language to SQL Translation: The Challenges, Evolution and Future
Participated in DataHour:LangChain 101
Participated in DataHour: Building Generative AI Applications using Amazon Bedrock
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying HugginFace, LlamaIndex, and LangChain
Participated in DataHour: Enterprise Challenges with Generative AI and LLMs
Participated in DataHour: ML Model Deployment: Best MLOps and GitOps Practices
Participated in DataHour: Open-Source For Accelerating AI Development
Participated in DataHour: Implementing Gen AI solutions with RAG Architecture
Participated in DataHour: Predictive Analytics - Performance Estimation without the Target Data
Participated in DataHour: Build Your Own Private ChatBot using GenAI- RAG
Participated in DataHour: Relationship of ML and Statistics - Optimizing Algorithmic Functions
Participated in DataHour: Natural Language to SQL: Analyzing Netflix Movies with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Search With ChatGPT: RAG and Semantic Search
Participated in DataHour: Mastering Conversational AI: Building Question-Answer Bot with LLM and RAG
Participated in DataHour: Creating Synthetic Data: An Easy Python Tutorial for Beginners
Participated in DataHour: Interpreting Machine Learning Models with Python
Participated in DataHour: Significance of Vector Databases in Gen AI
Participated in DataHour: Model Explainability and Model Diagnosis
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models for India
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Participated in DataHour: Visualizing Insights: Understanding Data Visualization Techniques
Participated in DataHour: Creating Advanced & Large-Scale Recommendation System
Participated in DataHour: Building a Simple LLM Application: ChatGPT Summarizer
Participated in DataHour: Building Safe AI Experiences with Azure AI Content Safety
Participated in DataHour: Fighting Customer Churn with Data Science, Analytics & Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: End-to-End Development: LLMOps and Azure AI for Generative Apps
Participated in DataHour: Crafting and Implementing a GenAI Strategy with StratOps
Participated in DataHour: ML Based Manufacturing Quality Inspection
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI / LLMs using Databricks Data Intelligence Platform
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Keeping LLMs Relevant: A Practical Guide to RAG and Fine-tuning
Participated in DataHour: Navigating the Maze of A/B Testing Pitfalls in Business Decision Making
Participated in DataHour: LLMOps - MLOps for Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Harnessing LLMs: Exploring Controllable Text Generation Without Fine-Tuning
Participated in DataHour: Custom GPTs in Industry: Assessing GPT-4V
Participated in DataHour: LLMs in Action: Crafting a Winning Product Strategy
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models- Evolution, Challenges and Way Forward
Participated in DataHour: Multi-Modal RAG and Evaluation with LlamaIndex
Participated in DataHour: NoSQL: Leveraging Large Language Models for Text2SQL
Participated in Game of Deep Learning: Computer Vision Hackathon and secured rank 49
Participated in DataHour: Optimizing LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Haystack 2.0
Participated in DataHour: High Impact AI/ML Solutions by Effective Formulation
Participated in DataHour: Democratising AI Deployment
Participated in AmExpert 2019 – Machine Learning Hackathon and secured rank 589
Participated in DataHour: LLM Training Tips & Tricks
Participated in DataHour: MemeGPT: Fine-Tuning LLMs to Generate Memes
Participated in DataHour: Current and Best Practices for LLM Evaluation
Participated in DataHour: Medical-Chat Bot: The History of Our Attempt
Participated in DataHour: Elevating Business Transformation: Leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
Participated in DataHour: Building Useful Applications with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Create a Language to SQL Translator with LLM
Participated in DataHour: Overview of Latent Diffusion, Stable Diffusion 1.5, & Challenges with SD 1.5
Participated in DataHour: Era of AI-Assisted Innovation
Participated in DataHour: Production Stack for LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Building Multi-Stage Reasoning Systems with LangChain
Participated in DataHour: Securing LLM-Based Applications
Participated in India ML Hiring Hackathon 2019 and secured rank 596
Participated in DataHour: The Generative AI, Good & Bad with Real World Examples
Participated in DataHour: NLP Tasks Chaining with GenAI: How to Utilize Traditional NLP Knowledge in the World of LLMs?
Participated in DataHour: LLMs and Foundational Models in Ads Personalization
Participated in DataHour: Harnessing the Power of LLMs: A Deep Dive into Practical Solutions
Participated in DataHour: Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Building Complex Systems Using ChatGPT
Participated in DataHour: The Dangers of Dirty Data
Participated in DataHour: Advanced Generative AI and Data Storytelling
Participated in DataHour: The 3 Secrets to Giving a Great Data Presentation
Participated in DataHour: Crash Course on Data Visualization with Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI: The Responsible Path Forward
Participated in DataHour: Chat With Your Data- Dive into GPT Langchain LLM Framework
Participated in DataHour: Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLMs on single T4 GPU using Ludwig
Participated in DataHour: From Text to Video: Unraveling the Power and Pitfalls of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Unleashing Generative AI in Data Analytics
Participated in DataHour: The Ethical Frontiers of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Crafting Text-Based Conversations: Leveraging VertexAI, Langchain, and Streamlit
Participated in DataHour: How to Build a Generative AI Application?
Participated in DataHour: Applications of Data Science in Pricing
Participated in DataHour: Explainable AI: Demystifying the Black Box Models
Participated in DataHour: RAG to Reduce LLM Hallucination
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying Computer Vision
Participated in DataHour: Using Clinical Data Science to Improve Clinical Outcomes
Participated in DataHour: How LLMs Can Be Used in Day-to-Day Developer Tasks
Participated in DataHour: Azure Bot Services: Transforming Conversational AI for Enhanced Experiences
Participated in DataHour: Supercharging LLM API Development with Fast API
Participated in DataHour: The Future of Autonomous Systems and How Humans Fit In
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI- Training Pipelines and Advanced Strategies
Participated in DataHour: Era of Gen AI
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Limitless Potential: Leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generations with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Master the Art of Prompting with Generative AI for Real-World Business Solutions
Participated in DataHour: Diffusion Model Fundamentals and Various Applications
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Extended Reality- Going Beyond the Basics
Participated in DataHour: Exploring the Potential of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Attention From Scratch
Participated in DataHour: Mastering Sentiment Analysis through Generative AI: A Deep Dive
Participated in DataHour: Dreambooth- Stable Diffusion for Custom Images
Participated in DataHour: Training Your Own LLM Without Coding
Participated in DataHour: Introduction of Microsoft Fabric
Participated in DataHour: Application of Data Science in the world of FinTech
Participated in DataHour: LLM Fine Tuning with PEFT Techniques
Participated in DataHour: Cutting Edge Tricks of Applying Large Language Models
Participated in DataHour: Evaluation of GenAI Models and Search Use Case
Participated in DataHour: Building Large Language Models for Code
Participated in DataHour: Quantum Computing Applications in Financial Industry
Participated in DataHour: Practical Guide to Train Your Own Large Language Models
Participated in DataHour: Using Langchain with LLM
Participated in DataHour: Paying Attention to Attention - A Deep Dive into Attention Models
Participated in DataHour: GEN AI - Image to Image Generation
Participated in DataHour: Unlocking Language Model Potential - The Power of Prompt Engineering
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to LLMs: An Interactive Workshop
Participated in GANs- Explore the Boundaries of Generative Art
Participated in LangChain in Action: Crafting Innovative LLM Powered Applications
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Building Trust, Ethics and Privacy in Generative AI & LLM
Participated in DataHour: Fine Tuning Generative Models
Participated in Practice Problem: Intel Scene Classification Challenge
Participated in McKinsey Analytics Online Hackathon- Recommendation Design
Participated in Time Series Forecasting
Participated in Black Friday Sales Prediction
Participated in Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Participated in The Convergence of BIG DATA and Machine Learning (Pune Meetup)
Participated in ML Hikeathon (An Online Machine Learning Hackathon)
Participated in Club Mahindra DataOlympics
Participated in Identify the Sentiments
Participated in LTFS Data Science FinHack ( ML Hackathon)
Participated in Analytics Vidhya Internship Challenge
Participated in Big Mart Sales Prediction
Participated in WNS Analytics Wizard 2019
Participated in Webinar: Getting Started with Recommendation Engines
Participated in Loan Prediction
Participated in LTFS Data Science FinHack 2
Participated in Janatahack: Healthcare Analytics
Participated in JanataHack: Recommendation Systems
Participated in Janatahack: Healthcare Analytics II
Participated in Janatahack: Cross-sell Prediction
Participated in Janatahack: Customer Segmentation
Participated in Janatahack: Machine Learning in Agriculture
Participated in Janatahack: Independence Day 2020 ML Hackathon
Participated in LTFS Data Science FinHack 3

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