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About karthe

Member Since Jan. 14, 2015, 6 a.m.
Location Chennai
Area of Interest R, SPSS, SAS - Eminer, SAP-PA


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Participated in MiniHack: Machine Learning and secured rank 72
Participated in Mind Your Strategy and secured rank 216
Participated in Skilltest : R for Data Science and secured rank 14
Participated in #AVdatafest Xtreme ML Hack : Machine Learning Hackathon and secured rank 56
Participated in Black Friday Data Hack and secured rank 31
Participated in Mini Hack : Strategic Thinking and secured rank 144
Participated in The Strategic Saviour and secured rank 283
Participated in The Strategic Ball and secured rank 372
Participated in Codefest: Linguipedia and secured rank 11
Participated in Re-Date Your Data: Learning Contest and secured rank 26
Participated in Mini Hack : Strategic Thinking and secured rank 40
Participated in Date Your Data and secured rank 44
Participated in LTFS Data Science FinHack 2 and secured rank 685
Participated in Mini Datahack and secured rank 49
Participated in #AVdatafest: The Strategic Thor and secured rank 89
Participated in McKinsey Analytics Online Hackathon - Healthcare Analytics and secured rank 217
Participated in Fractal Analytics Hiring Hackathon and secured rank 53
Participated in The Smart Recruits and secured rank 37
Participated in Data Science Hackathon - Cross-sell: target the right customer and secured rank 196
Participated in Strategic Sprint and secured rank 91
Participated in DataHour: LLM Fine-tuning for Beginners with Unsloth
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models: Foundation, Evolution and Applications
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Serving Machine Learning Models as Microservices
Participated in DataHour: Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Participated in DataHour: Real-World REST APIs with Docker Containers
Participated in DataHour: Building Robust RAG Applications for the Real-World
Participated in DataHour: Evaluating LLMs and LLM Systems : Pragmatic Approach
Participated in DataHour: Continuous Testing and Evaluation with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Rust and Python in the age of LLMOps
Participated in DataHour: Full-Stack Data Science with FastAPI
Participated in Better Data Understanding Through GenAI Powered Search
Participated in DataHour: Harnessing ML and NLP for Elevated Customer Experiences
Participated in DataHour: The Future of GenAI
Participated in DataHour: Data Curation and Reliability for LLM and GenAI Applications
Participated in DataHour: Should I Use RAG or Fine-Tuning?
Participated in DataHour: How to Customize and Evaluate Your LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Natural Language to SQL Translation: The Challenges, Evolution and Future
Participated in DataHour:LangChain 101
Participated in DataHour: Building Generative AI Applications using Amazon Bedrock
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying HugginFace, LlamaIndex, and LangChain
Participated in Identify the Sentiments
Participated in DataHour: Enterprise Challenges with Generative AI and LLMs
Participated in DataHour: ML Model Deployment: Best MLOps and GitOps Practices
Participated in DataHour: Open-Source For Accelerating AI Development
Participated in DataHour: Implementing Gen AI solutions with RAG Architecture
Participated in DataHour: Predictive Analytics - Performance Estimation without the Target Data
Participated in DataHour: Build Your Own Private ChatBot using GenAI- RAG
Participated in DataHour: Relationship of ML and Statistics - Optimizing Algorithmic Functions
Participated in DataHour: Natural Language to SQL: Analyzing Netflix Movies with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Search With ChatGPT: RAG and Semantic Search
Participated in DataHour: Mastering Conversational AI: Building Question-Answer Bot with LLM and RAG
Participated in DataHour: Creating Synthetic Data: An Easy Python Tutorial for Beginners
Participated in DataHour: Interpreting Machine Learning Models with Python
Participated in DataHour: Significance of Vector Databases in Gen AI
Participated in DataHour: Model Explainability and Model Diagnosis
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models for India
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
Participated in DataHour: Visualizing Insights: Understanding Data Visualization Techniques
Participated in DataHour: Creating Advanced & Large-Scale Recommendation System
Participated in DataHour: Building a Simple LLM Application: ChatGPT Summarizer
Participated in DataHour: Building Safe AI Experiences with Azure AI Content Safety
Participated in DataHour: Fighting Customer Churn with Data Science, Analytics & Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: End-to-End Development: LLMOps and Azure AI for Generative Apps
Participated in DataHour: Crafting and Implementing a GenAI Strategy with StratOps
Participated in DataHour: ML Based Manufacturing Quality Inspection
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI / LLMs using Databricks Data Intelligence Platform
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Keeping LLMs Relevant: A Practical Guide to RAG and Fine-tuning
Participated in DataHour: Navigating the Maze of A/B Testing Pitfalls in Business Decision Making
Participated in DataHour: LLMOps - MLOps for Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Harnessing LLMs: Exploring Controllable Text Generation Without Fine-Tuning
Participated in DataHour: Custom GPTs in Industry: Assessing GPT-4V
Participated in DataHour: LLMs in Action: Crafting a Winning Product Strategy
Participated in DataHour: Large Language Models- Evolution, Challenges and Way Forward
Participated in DataHour: Multi-Modal RAG and Evaluation with LlamaIndex
Participated in DataHour: NoSQL: Leveraging Large Language Models for Text2SQL
Participated in DataHour: Optimizing LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Haystack 2.0
Participated in DataHour: High Impact AI/ML Solutions by Effective Formulation
Participated in DataHour: Democratising AI Deployment
Participated in Ripik.AI HackFest: Unleashing AI Potential
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying Demand Forecasting for Retail Success
Participated in DataHour: LLM Training Tips & Tricks
Participated in DataHour: Unwritten Rules for Success in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Why Did My AI Do That? Decoding Decision-Making in ML
Participated in DataHour: MemeGPT: Fine-Tuning LLMs to Generate Memes
Participated in DataHour: Current and Best Practices for LLM Evaluation
Participated in DataHour: Medical-Chat Bot: The History of Our Attempt
Participated in DataHour: Machine Learning Tips and Tricks
Participated in DataHour: Elevating Business Transformation: Leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
Participated in DataHour: The Generative AI, Good & Bad with Real World Examples
Participated in DataHour: NLP Tasks Chaining with GenAI: How to Utilize Traditional NLP Knowledge in the World of LLMs?
Participated in DataHour: LLMs and Foundational Models in Ads Personalization
Participated in DataHour: Harnessing the Power of LLMs: A Deep Dive into Practical Solutions
Participated in DataHour: Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Building Complex Systems Using ChatGPT
Participated in DataHour: The Dangers of Dirty Data
Participated in DataHour: Advanced Generative AI and Data Storytelling
Participated in DataHour: The 3 Secrets to Giving a Great Data Presentation
Participated in DataHour: Crash Course on Data Visualization with Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI: The Responsible Path Forward
Participated in DataHour: Chat With Your Data- Dive into GPT Langchain LLM Framework
Participated in DataHour: Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLMs on single T4 GPU using Ludwig
Participated in DataHour: From Text to Video: Unraveling the Power and Pitfalls of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Unleashing Generative AI in Data Analytics
Participated in DataHour: The Ethical Frontiers of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Crafting Text-Based Conversations: Leveraging VertexAI, Langchain, and Streamlit
Participated in DataHour: How to Build a Generative AI Application?
Participated in DataHour: Applications of Data Science in Pricing
Participated in DataHour: Explainable AI: Demystifying the Black Box Models
Participated in DataHour: RAG to Reduce LLM Hallucination
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying Computer Vision
Participated in DataHour: Using Clinical Data Science to Improve Clinical Outcomes
Participated in DataHour: How LLMs Can Be Used in Day-to-Day Developer Tasks
Participated in DataHour: Azure Bot Services: Transforming Conversational AI for Enhanced Experiences
Participated in DataHour: Supercharging LLM API Development with Fast API
Participated in DataHour: The Future of Autonomous Systems and How Humans Fit In
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI- Training Pipelines and Advanced Strategies
Participated in DataHour: Era of Gen AI
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Limitless Potential: Leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generations with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Master the Art of Prompting with Generative AI for Real-World Business Solutions
Participated in DataHour: Diffusion Model Fundamentals and Various Applications
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Extended Reality- Going Beyond the Basics
Participated in DataHour: Exploring the Potential of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Attention From Scratch
Participated in DataHour: Mastering Sentiment Analysis through Generative AI: A Deep Dive
Participated in DataHour: Dreambooth- Stable Diffusion for Custom Images
Participated in DataHour: Training Your Own LLM Without Coding
Participated in DataHour: Introduction of Microsoft Fabric
Participated in DataHour: Application of Data Science in the world of FinTech
Participated in DataHour: LLM Fine Tuning with PEFT Techniques
Participated in DataHour: Cutting Edge Tricks of Applying Large Language Models
Participated in DataHour: Evaluation of GenAI Models and Search Use Case
Participated in DataHour: Building Large Language Models for Code
Participated in DataHour: From APIs to Insights: Building Custom Power BI Connectors for RESTful APIs
Participated in DataHour: Quantum Computing Applications in Financial Industry
Participated in DataHour: Practical Guide to Train Your Own Large Language Models
Participated in DataHour: Using Langchain with LLM
Participated in DataHour: Paying Attention to Attention - A Deep Dive into Attention Models
Participated in DataHour: GEN AI - Image to Image Generation
Participated in DataHour: Unlocking Language Model Potential - The Power of Prompt Engineering
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to LLMs: An Interactive Workshop
Participated in GANs- Explore the Boundaries of Generative Art
Participated in LangChain in Action: Crafting Innovative LLM Powered Applications
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Building Trust, Ethics and Privacy in Generative AI & LLM
Participated in DataHour: Fine Tuning Generative Models
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI using Azure Open AI
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI - Midjourney, Code Generation & Beyond
Participated in DataHour: Empowering Stakeholders: With Supercharged & Functional Tableau Dashboard
Participated in DataHour: Responsible Use of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Creating Delightful Customer Experience with RAG
Participated in DataHour: Building Bridges - The Art of Prompt Engineering
Participated in DataHour: LlamaIndex - QA Systems with Private Data and Effective Evaluation
Participated in Time Series Forecasting
Participated in DataHour: Handling Satellite and Geospatial Raster Data in Python
Participated in DataHour: Titanic Machine Learning Case Study using Python
Participated in DataHour: Statistics with Python for Data Science
Participated in DataHour: ChatGPT in Python for Beginners
Participated in DataHour: From Pixels to Insights- Practical Hands-on with Convolutional Neural Networks
Participated in DataHour: An Overview of Generative AI
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Dimensionality Reduction
Participated in DataHour: Generative AI and Large Language Models
Participated in DataHour: Building an End to End Machine Learning Pipeline for Large Language Models (LLMs)
Participated in DataHour: Web Scraping using Python Libraries
Participated in DataHour: Fine Tuning NLP Pipeline on Hugging Face
Participated in DataHour: A Beginner's Guide to Natural Language Processing
Participated in DataHour: An Overview of Named Entity Recognition(NER)
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Social Network Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Logistic Regression and Decision Tree Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Building an End-to-End Solution for Big Mart Sales Prediction
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Sequence Data
Participated in DataHour: FIFA World Cup Match Analysis Using Python
Participated in DataHour: Getting Started with Python
Participated in DataHour: Implementing Gradient Descent in Python
Participated in DataHour: Generating Labeled Data through Weak Supervision
Participated in DataHour: Hands-on Journey to Neural Networks
Participated in DataHour: How to Build a Multi Task Model using TensorFlow
Participated in DataHour: Feature Engineering and Selection for Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting
Participated in DataHour: Best of Pandas & The Power of Simple Models
Participated in DataHour: Conversational Intelligence & Interactive Bots
Participated in DataHour: Transformers from Scratch
Participated in DataHour: Machine Learning on Live Streaming Data for AIOps
Participated in DataHour: Evaluation Criteria for Validating Machine Learning Models
Participated in DataHour: Forecasting & Time-series Analysis
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to POS Tagging and Hidden Markov Model
Participated in DataHour: Boosting Performance with Ensemble Methods
Participated in DataHour: Feature Engineering and benefits of EDA
Participated in DataHour: Constructing Machine Learning Pipelines using Scikit-learn
Participated in DataHour: A Simple Guide to Deep Metric Learning
Participated in DataHour: Contrastive Learning for Image Classification
Participated in DataHour: Document Segmentation using Layout Parser
Participated in DataHour: Transforming HR with People Analytics
Participated in DataHour: Application of ML Classification Techniques in Banking Industry
Participated in DataHour: How to Forecast New Product Launches using Data Centric Approach
Participated in DataHour: The Art of Using GPT3 Power
Participated in DataHour: Everything You Need to Know About Pandas
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to Vision for Robotics
Participated in DataHour: An Overview of Computer Vision
Participated in DataHour: Text Classification for Beginners
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Deep Learning with FastAI
Participated in DataHour: Exploring the Best Book Sellers Dataset
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying RCNN Family for Object Detection
Participated in DataHour: Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML
Participated in DataHour: Unlocking the Power of Embeddings
Participated in DataHour: Implementing a Neural Network using Pytorch
Participated in DataHour: A/B testing - Theory, Practice and Pitfalls
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Graph Data Science
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to Google Vision API
Participated in DataHour: Dealing with Imbalanced Datasets in ML Classification Problems
Participated in DataHour: Salary Analysis and Prediction Using ML
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Stable Diffusion & Prompt Engineering
Participated in DataHour: Data Wrangling Using Geospatial Data in Python
Participated in DataHour: Advanced Resume Shortlisting using NLP
Participated in DataHour: Diabetic Patients’ Readmission Prediction using ML
Participated in DataHour: No-code ML Hands-on using Orange Data Mining Tool
Participated in DataHour: Deep Dive into Semantic Segmentation- Techniques, Challenges and State-of-the-Art
Participated in DataHour: Image Classification using Deep Learning Models
Participated in DataHour: Building Efficient Convolution Networks for Image Classification Tasks
Participated in DataHack Premier League 2018
Participated in Enabling The Future Of AI (Chennai Meetup)
Participated in Data Hack Round 1: Online Quiz (Nirvahana, By iQ’oniQ, NMIMS Hyderabad)
Participated in Lord of the Machines: Data Science Hackathon
Participated in Mini DataHack
Participated in Mini Hack : Excel
Participated in AVdatafest : Experiments With Data
Participated in Experiments With Data
Participated in Practice Problem: Strategic Thinking II
Participated in The Strategic Monk
Participated in DataHour: Blockchain 101
Participated in #AVdatafest The QuickSolver : Machine Learning Mini-Hack
Participated in AV Express: Kickstart your Data Science career (Chennai)
Participated in Experiments With Data
Participated in Skilltest: Machine Learning
Participated in Webinar: Future of Big Data & Career Opportunities in Big Data World
Participated in MLWARE 1 - Text Mining Challenge
Participated in #AVdatafest Rampaging DataHulk: Machine Learning Mini-Hack
Participated in Webinar: New Age Skills for New Age Data Scientists
Participated in Webinar on AI - The Secret Sauce of Logistics
Participated in LearnUp Delhi : Learn Data Science from Scratch
Participated in Big Mart Sales Prediction
Participated in Black Friday Sales Prediction
Participated in #AVdatafest SkillPower: Machine Learning
Participated in #AVdatafest Keynote Session: By Srikanth Velamakanni, Fractal Analytics
Participated in Webinar : How to crack Big Data & Data Science roles
Participated in Webinar on Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics for Smart Cities
Participated in AV LearnUp Bengaluru: Data Science in Healthcare
Participated in Webinar: Automated Machine Learning using MLBox python package
Participated in Strategic Sprint Mar 2017
Participated in Operations Research: Big Buck Challenge by IEOR @ IITB & McKinsey Knowledge Center India
Participated in AV LearnUp Chennai: NLP and its Application in Social Media Analytics
Participated in AV LearnUp Chennai: Exploratory Data Analysis
Participated in Click Prediction Hackathon
Participated in Capillary Machine Learning Hackathon
Participated in Webinar on Careers in Artificial Intelligence: How to prepare for the future
Participated in Loan Prediction
Participated in Webinar: How to Get Started with Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Participated in Food Demand Forecasting
Participated in Innoplexus Online Hackathon: Machine Learning Challenge
Participated in AVdatafest : The Seer's Accuracy
Participated in AV Casino : Introduction to Probability
Participated in AV Express Online: Kickstart your Data Science career (Webinar)
Participated in Codefest: Enigma
Participated in Linguipedia codeFest Natural Language Processing
Participated in Webinar: How to Deploy your ML Model?
Participated in JanataHack: Machine Learning for IoT
Participated in Webinar: Need of Industry Exposure in learning and applying the practical aspects of Data Science
Participated in HackLive - Guided Community Hackathon!
Participated in DataHour: Think like a Data Scientist
Participated in McKinsey Analytics Online Hackathon
Participated in DataHour: Text-Based Classification using Artificial Intelligence
Participated in DataHour: Artificial Intelligence in Retail
Participated in DataHour: How to transition into Data Science?
Participated in DataHour: Data Science in a FAANG company!
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Data-driven Decisions
Participated in DataHour: Effective Feature Engineering for Building Better Models
Participated in DataHour: Computer Vision Landscape
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Network Science
Participated in DataHour: Learning Path to Master Data Engineering in 2022
Participated in DataHour: Deploying Deep Learning model to production using FastAPI & Docker
Participated in DataHour: Efficient Implementations of Transformers
Participated in DataHour: Improving Search Results with Semantic Search
Participated in DataHour: Build your first Chat-bot using Open Source Tools
Participated in DataHour: Traversing the Journey of an Analytics Problem
Participated in DataHour: Create Effective Data Science Notebooks and Communication
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Blockchain
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Image Processing using Python
Participated in DataHour: Building Scalable, Secure and Responsible AI Solutions in Azure
Participated in DataHour: ML oops to MLOps!
Participated in DataHour: Writing Reusable and Reproducible Pipelines for Training Neural Networks
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Tensorflow Javascript
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to MLOps
Participated in DataHour: Ask Kunal Anything About AI
Participated in DataHour: Causal Inference in Practice
Participated in DataHour: Data to Insightful Actions with No Code AI
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Building NLP applications using Hugging Face
Participated in DataHour: SQL- One of the Key Ingredients for Data Science
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction and Hands-On to Named Entity Recognition
Participated in DataHour: Diving into Blockchain Development
Participated in DataHour: Text Pre-processing using NLTK and Python
Participated in DataHour: Voting Dapp Smart Contracts
Participated in DataHour: Hands-on with Social Network Analysis
Participated in Learn to Build an Artificial Intelligence Model with Kaggle Grandmasters
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Optimization Problems for Data Scientists
Participated in DataHour: Deep Dive into Graph Neural Nets for Content NLP
Participated in DataHour: Hands-on with Data Analysis Expressions(DAX) for Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Deep Learning - Maths Behind Back-Propagation
Participated in DataHour: Everything you need to know about Speech Recognition
Participated in DataHour: MLOps—DevOps for Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Feature Engineering on Images using Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)
Participated in DataHour: Building AI Applications in Minutes
Participated in DataHour: Real-world Applications of Data science
Participated in DataHour: Bias and Fairness in NLP
Participated in DataHour: Next Leap - Data Science Adoption to Application
Participated in DataHour: Exploratory Data Analysis with F#
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Search Query
Participated in DataHour: Smart Machine Learning Solution Based on Ontology and Knowledge Graph
Participated in DataHour: Making Sense of Clinical Text Data at Scale with NLP
Participated in DataHour: Analyzing Movie Data using MongoDB
Participated in DataHour: Designing an end-to-end Neural Search Pipeline with Similarity Learning
Participated in DataHour: Data Visualization using Python
Participated in DataHour: Understanding AWS Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) Concepts
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Explainable AI (XAI)
Participated in DataHour: Leveraging GCP Vertex AI for Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Methods for Explaining the Blackbox of Machine Learning Model
Participated in DataHour: Quantum Computing Simulator Acceleration
Participated in DataHour: Stirring up Data Science with SQL
Participated in DataHour: Prediction to Production in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Trees of Data Science
Participated in DataHour: Dynamic Time Warping for Time Series Classification
Participated in DataHour: Deep Dive into Practical Machine Learning with Career Insights
Participated in DataHour: Data Operations on Azure
Participated in DataHour: Jumpstart your Career with AWS AI/ML
Participated in DataHour: Nirvana State of MLOps
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to GAN - A Practical Approach
Participated in DataHour: Product Oriented Data Scientists
Participated in DataHour: Key steps for Designing Deep Neural Network and its scope in Industry
Participated in DataHour: Anomaly detection using NLP and Predictive Modeling
Participated in DataHour: Data Science in Retail
Participated in DataHour: Data Science Data management using Pandas
Participated in DataHour: Building Useful Applications with LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Create a Language to SQL Translator with LLM
Participated in DataHour: Overview of Latent Diffusion, Stable Diffusion 1.5, & Challenges with SD 1.5
Participated in DataHour: Era of AI-Assisted Innovation
Participated in DataHour: Production Stack for LLMs
Participated in DataHour: Building Multi-Stage Reasoning Systems with LangChain
Participated in DataHour: Securing LLM-Based Applications
Participated in DataHour: Reducing chatGPT Hallucinations by 80%
Participated in DataHour: Mitigating Bias in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Google Cloud AI/ML
Participated in DataHour: Forecasting Stories
Participated in DataHour: Explainable AI - Need and Implementation
Participated in DataHour: Energy Data Science - Project From Scratch
Participated in DataHour: Getting Started with EDA tools - Numpy and Pandas
Participated in DataHour: Practical Applications of Data science in Ecommerce
Participated in DataHour: The Fundamentals of Quantum Computing
Participated in DataHour: How to tackle Overfitting?
Participated in DataHour: Sentiment Analysis from Scratch!
Participated in DataHour: Hands-on with A/B Testing
Participated in DataHour: Key steps for Designing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Image classification
Participated in DataHour: StableCoin - Backbone of Cryptocurrency
Participated in DataHour: Blockchain Use Cases with Case Studies
Participated in DataHour: Building Data Pipelines on GCP
Participated in DataHour: ERC Tokens in Hyperledger Fabric
Participated in DataHour: Modern Deep Learning Architecture
Participated in DataHour: 5 things you should know about Azure SQL
Participated in DataHour: Prediction to Production in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Everything You Need to Know About Numpy
Participated in DataHour: Overview of Blockchain and Data
Participated in DataHour: Using Word & Document Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Time Series analysis using LSTM
Participated in DataHour: AI & ML in the Automotive Industry
Participated in DataHour: Topic Modeling using Transformer Based Embeddings
Participated in DataHour: ETL Pipelines in GCP
Participated in DataHour: Knowledge Graph Solutions using Neo4j
Participated in DataHour: Practical Time Series Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Building Machine Learning Models in BigQuery
Participated in DataHour: ChatGPT and the coming Generative AI Revolution
Participated in DataHour: Key steps for Designing Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) for Image Classification
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to Central Limit Theorem
Participated in DataHour: DCNN for Machine RUL Prediction using Time-series Data
Participated in DataHour: A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist
Participated in DataHour: Classification ML Model from Scratch
Participated in DataHour: NLP aspects in Telecommunication Industry
Participated in DataHour: Intelligent Knowledge Mining with Azure NLP and Graph databases
Participated in DataHour: Visualizing Data using Python
Participated in DataHour: Getting Started with AWS EC2
Participated in DataHour: Model Guesstimation (MLOps)
Participated in DataHour: ML Model Interpretation and Evaluation
Participated in DataHour: An Unsupervised ML approach using Clustering
Participated in DataHour: M in ML stands for Math & Magic
Participated in DataHour: Model Parameters vs Hyperparameters - Techniques in ML Engineering
Participated in DataHour: Customizing Large Language Models GPT3 for Real-life Use Cases
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Federated Learning
Participated in DataHour: Extracting Value from Data
Participated in DataHour: Convolution Neural Network for Image Recognition
Participated in DataHour: Ensemble Techniques in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Unfolding Model Evaluation Metrics in Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: From Unstructured Text to Insights - Topic Modeling in NLP using LDA
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Classification using Azure Machine Learning
Participated in DataHour: Hypothesis Testing A-Z
Participated in DataHour: How to Approach an ML Problem Statement from Scratch
Participated in DataHour: Diffusion Models for Generative Arts
Participated in DataHour: Netflix Data Analysis using Python
Participated in DataHour: The Art of Feature Engineering
Participated in DataHour: Causal Experimentations - When A/B Test is Not Possible
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to the Metaverse
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Positive Unlabelled(PU) Learning
Participated in DataHour: Document Understanding and OCR using Transformers
Participated in DataHour: Introduction and Hands-on workshop with Reinforcement Learning
Participated in DataHour: Need for Self Supervised Learning - Practice at SAP
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Blockchain & Metaverse
Participated in Dataverse Hack
Participated in DataHour: Understanding the Basics of a Neural Network
Participated in DataHour: Practical Hypothesis Testing
Participated in DataHour: Steps before using an ML Model
Participated in DataHour: Tokenomics for Beginners
Participated in DataHour: Statistics in Data Science
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Dimensionality Reduction
Participated in DataHour: NFTs - Friend or FOMO?
Participated in DataHour: Web3 - Benefits, Adoption & Challenges
Participated in DataHour: Breakdown of Bitcoin
Participated in DataHour: GANs Revolutionizing the World!
Participated in DataHour: Fundamentals of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Participated in DataHour: HIV Analysis using ML and Flutter
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Metaverses and the shift in Marketing Paradigms
Participated in DataHour: Python Data Structures
Participated in DataHour: Application of ChatGPT and DALL-E
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Heart Disease Data using Python
Participated in DataHour: Evaluation Measures for Binary Classification
Participated in DataHour: Building & Deploying Deep Learning Models for Sentiment Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Natural Language Processing for Indian Languages
Participated in DataHour: Transformer Architecture and its Applications
Participated in DataHour: NLP Interaction with Power BI
Participated in DataHour: Web 3.0 - Exploring the Unexplored
Participated in DataHour: Distinguishing Bot Text From Human Text Corpus
Participated in DataHour: Bitcoin, Lightning Network and Adoption Trends
Participated in DataHour: Building and Operationalizing an Explainable Predictive Model
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying Clustering in Topic Modeling Algorithms like BERTopic
Participated in DataHour: How do Algorithms Generate Recommendations?
Participated in DataHour: Classification Algorithms Evaluation Metrics
Participated in DataHour: Advanced Exploratory Data Analysis on Credit Data
Participated in DataHour: Conversational AI and its Uses
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Multi-label & Multi-class Classification
Participated in DataHour: Normal Distribution - Understanding the Numbers and its Real Life Applications
Participated in DataHour: Ethereum Blockchain & Smart Contracts
Participated in DataHour: Train GPT2 on Indian Language Dataset
Participated in DataHour: Emerging Careers in Blockchain, Web3, NFTs and Metaverse
Participated in DataHour: Diabetes Prediction Using Survival Analysis
Participated in DataHour: Machine Learning Model Development using Pandas, Numpy and Scikit-Learn
Participated in DataHour: Analyzing Loan Application Data using Python
Participated in DataHour: Hyperparameter Optimization Demystified
Participated in DataHour: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Participated in DataHour: Introduction to Optimization using Genetic Algorithms
Participated in DataHour: Understanding Logistic Regression
Participated in DataHour: Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data
Participated in DataHour: Exploring the Fundamentals of DeepMatch
Participated in DataHour: YOLO Object Detection using Python
Participated in DataHour: Real-time Machine Learning - Challenges and Solution
Participated in DataHour: Training Your First PyTorch Model
Participated in DataHour: Deploying Models for Sentiment Analysis on Cloud
Participated in DataHour: Experiments with Interpretable Artificial Intelligence
Participated in DataHour: Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming in Python

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