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About rishabh.gautam

Member Since Jan. 9, 2015, 12:42 p.m.
Location Bangalore
Area of Interest R, Python, SQL, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence


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Participated in Genpact Machine Learning Hackathon and secured rank 734
Participated in Skilltest: Regression and secured rank 226
Participated in WNS Analytics Wizard 2018 (Machine Learning Hackathon) and secured rank 264
Participated in DataHack Premier League 2018
Participated in Lord of the Machines: Data Science Hackathon
Participated in Time Series Forecasting
Participated in Practice Problem: Strategic Thinking II
Participated in Age Detection of Actors
Participated in Skilltest: Machine Learning
Participated in Skilltest: Clustering and secured rank 195
Participated in Skilltest: Ensemble Modeling
Participated in Skilltest: SAS and secured rank 21
Participated in Skilltest: Dimensionality Reduction and secured rank 81
Participated in #AVdatafest SkillPower: Machine Learning
Participated in #AVdatafest PowerTool: R for Data Science
Participated in #AVdatafest PowerTool: Python for Data Science
Participated in Skilltest: Logistic Regression
Participated in Practice Problem: Skilltest - Machine Learning
Participated in Data Science Interview Preparation Test
Participated in LearnUp Delhi : Learn Data Science from Scratch
Participated in The Strategic Monk
Participated in Click Prediction Hackathon
Participated in Strategic Sprint Mar 2017
Participated in Skilltest: Deep Learning
Participated in Skilltest: SQL
Participated in #AVdatafest SkillPower: Time Series
Participated in #AVdatafest PowerTool: SQL
Participated in Skilltest: k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN)
Participated in Skilltest: Tree Based Models
Participated in Black Friday Sales Prediction
Participated in Big Mart Sales Prediction
Participated in The Bots Are Here (Bengaluru Meetup)
Participated in Identify the apparels (Fashion MNIST)
Participated in Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Participated in Webinar: Introduction to TensorFlow with Intel Optimizations
Participated in MiniHack: Machine Learning
Participated in Practice Problem: Urban Sound Classification
Participated in Identify the Digits (MNIST)
Participated in ABInBev : Data Science Talent Hunt Hackathon
Participated in McKinsey Analytics Online Hackathon
Participated in Food Demand Forecasting
Participated in Webinar: Deep Learning and its Applications
Participated in HR Analytics and secured rank 264
Participated in Loan Prediction
Participated in Data Science Hackathon - Cross-sell: target the right customer
Participated in Recommendation Engine
Participated in Janatahack: Customer Segmentation
Participated in DataHour: Building smarter solutions with no expertise in machine learning
Participated in DataHour: Demystifying Clustering in Topic Modeling Algorithms like BERTopic
Participated in DataHour: How do Algorithms Generate Recommendations?
Participated in DataHour: Normal Distribution - Understanding the Numbers and its Real Life Applications
Participated in DataHour: Exploring Multi-label & Multi-class Classification

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