
JanataHack - E-Commerce Analytics ML Hackathon

Online 10-04-2020 12:00 AM to 12-04-2020 11:59 PM
  • 2941


  • 229

    Number of Teams

  • Knowledge & Learning


About JanataHack: E-Commerce Analytics Hackathon

Janata is a Hindi Word which stands for Public.

To support Janata Curfew announced by Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we announced JanataHack - a knowledge competition on Machine Learning & Data Science on 22nd March 2020. 

Looking at the immense response and public demand here we are back again with the second JanataHack, this time on E-Commerce Analytics. So get ready to have an Easter full of learning and fun. 

As a responsible data science community, Analytics Vidhya calls all its community members to stay at home. 

Come, interact with the community, apply Data Science, Hack, have fun and Stay Safe.


  • One person cannot participate with more than one user accounts.
  • You are free to use any tool and machine you have rightful access to.
  • You can use any programming language or statistical software.
  • You are free to use solution checker as many times as you want.
  • Directly using the labels from the original dataset will lead to disqualification

Team Formation Rules & Instructions

  • Click here  to view process flow for Team Creation
  • Maximum of 2 people can form a team.
  • One person can be a part of one team only.
  • Team once created can't be dissolved.
  • Teams can't be merged.

Community Resources

To enable participants to maximise their learning while staying at home in the prevailing conditions, Analytics Vidhya presents a unique offering for beginners. We are providing 14 day free access to Machine Learning Starter Program (MLSP)

Enroll Here!


1. Are there any prizes/AV Points for this contest?

This contest is purely for learning and practicing purpose and hence no participant is eligible for prize or AV points.

2. Can I share my approach/code?

Absolutely. You are encouraged to share your approach and code file with the community. There is even a facility at the leaderboard to share the link to your code/solution description.

3. I am facing a technical issue with the platform/have a doubt regarding the problem statement. Where can I get support?

Join the AV slack channel by clicking on 'Join Slack Live Chat' button and ask your query at channel: janata_hack


Please register/login to participate in the contest

Please register to participate in the contest

Please register to participate in the contest


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